To Aquarius, sex is research – into what makes both of them tick, and the mysterious relation between instinct and consciousness, colliding intensely at intercourse. The classical post-coital tristesse. There is nothing to be learned from her. i don't hate myself. My intuition alone blows most people out the water. Or Aquarians will simply abandon the job. Many Aquarians start out with glittering and tremendous potential, like Princess Stephanie (Feb. 1) and Paris Hilton (Feb. 17). Interesting case, and one that makes me update my notions about Aquarians and loyalty. For more info, leave your comments below. Thanks :). Cancer Personality Traits: Powerful Aspects of the Sign. Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. As an aquarius, I can confirm that the part said about worries and consulting horoscopes is partially true, I am guilty. Not for attention. It is for a damn good reason and it did not come out of any trivial slight. An Aquarius won’t hate anyone unreasonably. Also, your Achilles heel as an Aquarius is thinking you are the best and you all are brilliant but not the best, so here is where you fail: you get bored because you’re “too smart” and “too good” for everything and you sit back in boredom while others are making strides under your nose. jan I am confused and disapointed with your post. I’m gonna call you on your bullshit for sure. I find it a little disturbing that a mature woman would string along a young woman like that and then just discard me like nothing when I made my feelings crystal clear for her. Add new topic Aquarius forum. I’ve seen, met , talked to or befriended hundreds of people just because I wondered what they must be like. A sweep of the 'net shows that many think of Dick Cheney when the phrase evil Aquarian comes to mind How does he sleep at night, much less smirk in those official photos, seriously. MY favorite sluts are Aquarius. We'd love to be able to paint smiles on our faces and pretend everything is OK, but that's just not how Aquarians work. Still, your star sign gives some clues to your sexual habits and preferences. Money? Why? However, they don't know that being a dreamer isn't all it's cracked up to be. Aquarius is a powerful sign. There is a saying that goes " The haves shall control the have nots." If you hate something about yourself..... correct it, plain and simple.....there are negatives in everyone regardless of what sign they are. Even the most pathetic Aquarius or Aquarius Moon will bluntly tell you what your problem is and how to fix it. Good point. Gifted with many cool qualities, they are broad-minded, creative, truthful, and modern people. She always initiated the conversations, asked me for my number, asked me if I wanted to hang out- not once or twice but three times- and then when I told her about my feelings for her she said “sorry I’m married to the ‘love of my life’” lol then she started avoiding me, rolling her eyes whenever I opened my mouth, called me names, and then eventually just completely ignored me. (Same bday as me) True to your statement we will blatantly tell you what’s wrong. He had to be plotting constantly to sabotage. so maybe you just don't understand, and that's fine. What Aquarius generally wants is to work on his or her own projects. It's a rare astro book that's funny, and hers will make you LOL. We know this because with the Aquarian - the personal and the public are intermeshed on a fundamental level. Aquarians have an understanding about the world that no other signs do. ignorance is BLISS. I began chanting about 9 years ago, (that is my constant number in affairs that go well for me) now I just know who is coming, calling and I can read my daughter’s mind, lol. When an Aquarian goes dark -- and I don't mean a fit here or a tantrum there. The Dark Truth Of Sex w/ Aquarius. That's what will make Aquarius realize there's something going on deep down that is radiating out. We need your help. 18. yeah i am an aquarius and it's more like, you hate yourself for hurting other people through just the simple fact of knowledge. We run with the wind, but once we have a vision, we want exactly that. You know its true. His Freaky Side Comes Out Artistically. Why? Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on April 19, 2012: Jan and reeltaulk, your discussion is getting a bit edgy. But willing to find the 'One' perhaps Oneday.....when I'm ready to open the book and start writing! What exactly is "normal" what everyone else is doing and have no idea why they are doing it and just because you don't want to do it, is bored by it or think it is dumb you're not normal?!?!? Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac.Aquarius are truthfulness, just, curious, affectionate Personality, Frank and Imaginative. Damage is done and in your delusional unempathetic Aquarian minds you still think your a god. 10. I hate these blogs. You can agree to disagree. You hate Sarah Palin is she even relevant anymore? Personally Im very loud and outspoken because people often try to take advantage of my kindness. Thanks for posting this, voted up, useful and interesting. I lash out when someone hurts me or betrays my trust. just yesterday, friday 13th, i had made quite a few enemies just because i spoke my mind, ever so bluntly and even DARED to question authority. Two bodies going at it, as if morning would come with Doomsday. He even maintained the forbidden underground world of machines at Disney world. They prefer simple and straightforward conversations. plus other personality traits are found within their astrology birth charts. It is not unusual for Aquarians to go to the workplace, ignore their job, and work on their novel or new invention. Saturn's ancient rulership of Aquarius illustrates this side of Aquarius. It’s not a good idea to make an Aquarius get angry as no one can bear their temper. They Have a High Libido. Which is sad, cause im very seriously trying to come to understand Aquarian traits. The most basic component of your horoscope is your star sign, which is the Zodiac sign the sun occupied at the time of your birth. Its perspective is completely different from the other planetary archetypes. An Aquarius woman is often very moody and these mood swings are vivid in bed too. He may find your relaxation and confidence in your sexuality inspiring. Keep in mind that Aquarius is not the type following the crowd. She defies that stereotype that Aquarians break free if life gets too real, too intimate or too anything. A negative Aquarian's fondest dream is to live on somebody else's money. Aquarius gets used to seeing angry people, from parents on up, so he or she is always on the defensive and believes any criticism is unfair. 3. It's worth noting that she showed extraordinary loyalty to her beloved, and stayed with him at the dire end. They will have a good impression about you if you are able to make them laugh and think hard. 14 Freaky Facts about Aquarius that NOT Many People Know, Fact 01: Love intellectual people with humor sense, Fact 07: Shower the lover with everything, Fact 09: Not want to be rude in any situation, Fact 11: Unable to deal with emotional scenes or people, Fact 12: Shy and reversed at certain times, Fact 14: Not want to be bothered by stubborn people, you are in a relationship with an Aquarius, Aquarius Man Silent Treatment and 4 Ways to Deal with Him, 7 BEST Signs an Aquarius Man is Falling for You (Read NOW). We are often the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac too. If you can't, just don't rain on our parades. What does a Virgo man look for in a woman? I am picky so when I get one he must stay tied to me...I hate working for other people ..I constantly got mad when my desk phone rang and interrupted my poetry lmao! Undoubtedly they are loved by many because of their attractive, affectionate, and friendly nature. I get bored easily, I'm very agitated and restless. lol not always but damn it really really close. 14. Aquarius wants to get to know the partner through making love, sort of as if it were a medical examination – or more precisely, a psychological one. We wear our hearts on our sleeves because we don't know anything else. Their inability to empathize with others' emotions combined with their intellectual brilliance is a recipe for cruelty, though most often expressed in socially accepted (yet arguably evil) forms, such as vivisection or the calculating, power-driven corporate world. I used to wash Tommy Hilfiger’s hair and his family. She proposes they go missing, yes, but are actually often watching at a distance, as perverse voyeurs.

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