Dans votre code, ajoutez les informations de commerce électronique dans un objet de couche de données appelé "ecommerce". resource. Configurez votre balise en renseignant les champs nécessaires. Tag Manager vous permet d'intégrer l'une ou l'autre méthode : Commerce électronique standard. Redundant or incorrect tags can distort data measurement and reduce your site performance. The API exposes multiple Google Tag Manager configuration Quotas guide for specific limits. Ask your website developers how you can dynamically populate this page view object with variables that exist on the page. If the tag was not fired, verify that the trigger is set up correctly. Set up Google … Sign up for the Google Developers newsletter. Pour obtenir une liste complète de tous les types de données compatibles, veuillez consulter la documentation destinée aux développeurs. Get access to features like easy preview and debug tools, auto-event triggers, and a user-friendly interface to help you manage your tags. Find Version 1 and Set it as Latest Version. Il vous permet également d'identifier les segments de clients qui sortent de l'entonnoir de conversion d'achat. configuration data for an authorized user. Click the Google Tag Assistant browser extension to see your Google Tag Manager container: The Google Tag Assistant will indicate if your integration has been successful or not. Install Google Tag Manager to configure and deploy tags, including tags from Google Ads, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd parties. The API exposes multiple Google Tag Manager configuration entities, organized hierarchically: Each user's Accounts resource can have one or more Containers, each of which can have one or more Macros / Variables, Rules / Triggers, Tags, and Versions. Get started. Ces informations vous-ont elles été utiles ? If you have not already done so, add the BV loader to all pages where you intend to collect events. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Triggering: Select the trigger created above. Here is an example of the code to execute on the page: Create a variable with the following properties so that you can share transaction data with the data layer: In your Google Tag Manager workspace, create a new trigger that will be used by the page to notify Google Tag Manager when a conversion transaction has occurred and that the transaction data is ready. Click in the browser menu to display the Analytics Inspector and verify that details similar to these are displayed: The PageView event indicates that a user has loaded the page. Be sure to implement the required analytics as listed on this page . For each parameter in the trackConversion function, be sure to specify values for your website. Here is an example: The FeatureUsed event records user interaction with the consumer-generated content container and controls. Designed to work together. Without editing your site code, you use GTM user interface to add and update Google Ads, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and non-Google tags. Original Poster. Google Tag Manager est un outil gratuit et facile à intégrer qui vous permet de gérer les balises de façon simple et fiable. In this example, the ID is helpfulness-btn-yes: In your Google Tag Manager workspace, create a new trigger that will be used by the FeatureUsed tag to record when a user clicks on the element on your website. Add it to any page where an event can occur. Si votre site Web est associé à plusieurs domaines entre lesquels naviguent les visiteurs (par exemple, example-produits.com et example-paiement.com), vous devez configurer vos balises Universal Analytics de manière à considérer chacune de ces sessions comme une seule visite pour le suivi. Add this tag using  the Tag Manager. With Google Tag Manager, it’s a matter of an hour or so from receiving a tag to testing to QA to deployment. You can check it out here: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/5. In the Google Tag Manager preview pane, BV Loader should be listed under Tags Fired On This Page. A list of resources of a particular kind In your Google Tag Manager workspace, create a new tag with the following properties: Tag type: Custom HTML and then specify the following code, which adds the BV loader and includes a function that tells Google Tag Manager when BV loader has loaded to prevent race conditions with other tags: Refer to Add the BV loader for a description of the URL values. If you're not seeing anything appear in Google Tag Assistant, ensure you've given consent for cookies to be tracked. You can then use Tag Manager's web-based user interface to set up tags, establish triggers that cause your tag to fire when certain events occur, and create variables that can be used to simplify and automate your tag configurations. Specify these trigger properties: Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true: Select element ID (the variable defined above), select contains, and then specify the element ID. The trackPageView function only needs a regular JavaScript object. A purchase comprises an order and the items purchased in the order. The following diagram represents the parent-child … Managing multiple analytics and marketing tags for your site can be a challenge. For each parameter in the trackTransaction function, be sure to specify values for your website. Marie Apellanes. Designed to work together. Use Google Tag Assistant Recording to record a typical user flow to and through your website and instantly validate, diagnose, and troubleshoot issues with your Google Analytics implementation. The event fires five seconds after the InView tag, which means that the reviews container is in view for more than five seconds. If you run into any problems, we'd love to help! Resources to help you learn more about the API: Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. The Google Tag Manager API provides access to Google Tag Manager Tag type: Custom HTML and then add code that will capture data from your site. Ces informations vous-ont elles été utiles ? Before beginning, complete the following steps: To implement Google Tag Manager, perform one of the following: If BV Pixel is implemented in your instance of Conversations, create the following tags: All other events are automatically captured by BV Pixel. In your Google Tag Manager workspace, create a new tag with the following: Tag Configuration: Choose Custom HTML and then add code that will capture data from your site. If you haven't already done this, you can learn how to do so here. Never heard of GTM before? Each page element you want to track needs a unique ID. Use Google Tag Manager to manage tags (such as measurement and marketing optimization JavaScript tags) on your site. Each thing you want to track needs a unique ID. Cela se produit même si les deux domaines utilisent le même conteneur Tag Manager et le même compte Analytics. // Send the transaction data into the Google Tag Manager. Triggering: Select the trigger created in above. application that you can customize. If the object is passed as a string, parameter names and values are included in quotation marks and then escaped, as shown in this example, and Bazaarvoice cannot parse the array elements: Instead, format the parameters as shown in the example below. For containers that have large numbers of tags, triggers, and/or variables defined, or have large custom HTML tags, a Size indicator may appear in Tag Manager on the Versions pages. Specify these trigger properties: Tag Configuration: Choose Custom HTML and then add code that will capture data from your site. When Tag Manager is installed, your website or app will be able to communicate with the Tag Manager servers. Tag Manager vous permet d'intégrer l'une ou l'autre méthode : Pour configurer une balise de commerce électronique Google Analytics standard : Toutes les informations relatives aux transactions doivent être transmises via la couche de données, avec les noms de variable ci-dessous : Voici un exemple de code de couche de données qui pourrait être inséré dans JavaScript : Placez ce code au-dessus de l'extrait de conteneur Tag Manager afin que la couche de données soit prête au moment du déclenchement de la balise Google Analytics. © 2020 Bazaarvoice | Updated Oct 14th, 2020, "https://apps.bazaarvoice.com/deployments/
////bv.js", 'http://tag-manager.bazaarvoice.cimages/beer.jpg', // Ensure that dataLayer exists as an array if Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free platform built by Google to help with managing and deploying marketing tags. Indiquez à quel moment la balise doit se déclencher. For each parameter in the trackEvent function, be sure to specify values for your website. Right-click on the element and select Inspect.
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