Most tree dahlias are now described with pale lavender flowers. Your email address will not be published. [2][3], This species is fast-growing, the growth spurt being linked to shorter daylight hours, and usually comes into flower in autumn before the first frost. Cats, No reported toxicity to I am no lover of the common garden dahlia, but this one captivated me. Your support is critical to our continuing and future programs. Propagation is by seed or by stem cuttings of some 30 cm (12 in) long having at least two nodes, laid horizontally below the soil. This magnificent species Dahlia from Central America grows like a weed here in California. If Dahlias are hardy in your zone, simply cut them back after the first heavy frost and apply an extra layer of mulch to protect them from the cold. Bloom Time: Late fall. As mentioned above, the watering of tree dahlia is important because it must be regular but never excessive. [1], It is a tuberous, herbaceous perennial, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period, developing brittle, cane-like, 4-angled stems with swollen nodes and large tripinnate leaves, those near the ground soon being shed. Tree dahlia flowers can grow to be 8 inches (20 cm) across. The flowers - although beautiful - are just an added bonus. I am lucky to live near the ocean where frost usually arrives later in the year than it does further inland. Dahlia imperialis has no toxic effects reported. Wait for leaves to have withered completely, and then cut them 4 inches (10 cm) above ground level. Dahlia imperialis has no particular known value to wildlife in the UK. Grow Dahlia imperialis in moist but well-drained soil in a sheltered spot in full sun. Some consider the two species to be one and the same; the flower colors on plants I have seen lend credence to that … Subscribe to BBC Gardeners' World Magazine and receive 24 issues for 65.40 - that's a 50% saving. Once its roots are established, a tree dahlia is fairly resistant to frost, though the flowers and foliage may be damaged. Dahlia imperialis blooms in winter but cannot withstand temperatures below 23°F (-5°C). Around that time, the late Wayne Roderick, a well-known Bay Area plantsman, introduced about ten different clones. A leggy and open plant it does however produce extremely pretty flowers. Allow tubers to dry overnight before replanting. [1], It is a tuberous, herbaceous perennial, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period, developing brittle, cane-like, 4-angled stems with swollen nodes and large tripinnate leaves, those near the ground soon being shed. The amazing Tree Dahlia ( Dahlia imperialis) grows all by itself to 20 feet tall! The Aztec name for the tree dahlia was acocotil, meaning water-cane. Mary Wilbur, a native of Wales, worked in the field of psychiatric care, and has gardened in England and New…, Tree dahlia (Dahlia imperialis) flowering in November in a San Francisco garden. Dahlia imperialis, or bell tree dahlia, is an 8-10 metre tall member of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. For a more natural look, pinch back Dahlia plants when small to encourage branching. Your email address will not be published. Dahlia imperialis or Tree Dahlia is a rather tall and woody perennial. The stems are thick and become woody at the base they hold divided velvety dark green leaves this clone also has a touch of purple on the leave and stem. No comments yet – be the first to share your thoughts! Required fields are marked *. Water the dahlia imperialis but avoid wetting the foliage. Name – Dahlia imperialis Family – Asteraceae Type – bulb plant Height – 6 to 13 feet (2 to 4 meters) Exposure – full sun, part sun Soil – enriched ordinary soil Flowering – September to November Hardiness to freezing – 23°F (-5°C) While optional, some gardeners remove many of the flower buds to focus the plant's energy on fewer, larger and showier blooms with long stems. Native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. [2][3], This species is fast-growing, the growth spurt being linked to shorter daylight hours, and usually comes into flower in autumn before the first frost. We were well into summer before it showed signs of life again. If you live in an area where the weather frequently drops below 23°F (-5°C), bringing your bulbs indoors before it freezes is your only hope. It crossed my mind that someone had given a garden dahlia a dose of Alice’s “eat me” pills for it to develop into this arboreal beauty. He places them in moist shade until they start growing. Dahlia imperialis or Tree Dahlia is a rather tall and woody perennial. In temperate climates, the foliage is evergreen. D. imperialis is a large herbaceous plant standing typically between 2-6 meters tall, with extra vigorous specimens reported to top out at 9 meters. Mulch enables you to protect the bulbs in winter. Currently, the botanical garden has about the same number of different forms of this plant. As for parasites, the dahlia can occasionally fall victim to aphids. Find help & information on Dahlia imperialis (B) giant dahlia from the RHS [Sunset suggests zones 4-6, 8, 9, 14-24]. Dahlia imperialis or tree dahlia is a perennial herbaceous flower that is simply beautiful. Once stems are completely wilted, cut them as short as you can. This also leads to various fungus such as powdery mildew or gray mold. Tree dahlias can be propagated by cuttings from any part of the stem or by dividing the roots. Dahlia imperialis is a huge dahlia from Mexico that can grow upto 5-8m tall the largest of all dahlias but not quite that tall in the UK. From the team at Gardeners' World Magazine. It thus requires very well drained soil. There are single whites, single lavenders, single pinks, and a double white with a pom-pom center. Clip off spent blossoms to encourage more blooming. Dahlia imperialis is a fast-growing, tuberous, herbaceous perennial up to 33 feet (10 m) tall, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period, developing brittle, cane-like, 4-angled stems with swollen nodes and large tripinnate leaves, those near the ground soon being shed. The hollow stems of the tree dahlia were, in fact, used for transporting water and as a source of potable water for hunters and travelers. Family – Asteraceae Dahlia imperialis is a fast-growing, tuberous, herbaceous perennial up to 33 feet (10 m) tall, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period, developing brittle, cane-like, 4-angled stems with swollen nodes and large tripinnate leaves, those near the ground soon being shed. This is a plant that can grow quite large and will always be at its best in a sheltered spot where it can grow while being protected from wind. It makes a fantastic foliage plant in its own right, however, if grown in a sheltered spot in a mild region, it may bear single, pink-purple blooms with orange-centres, from late October onwards. Like the ancestors of common garden dahlias (Mexico’s national flower), the tree dahlia (Dahlia imperialis) originated in the mountains of Mexico and Guatemala. Dahlia imperialis bulbs are best planted during the months of April and May, when the last frosts are past. It is a plant of the uplands and mountains, occurring at elevations of 1,500–1,700 metres (4,900–5,600 ft), and its leaves are used as a dietary supplement by the Q'eqchi' people of San Pedro Carchá in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. That could be a mixed blessing, as tree dahlias are sensitive to frost. Bell Tree Dahlia, Tree Dahlia, Giant Dahlia, Imperial Dahlia, Species Tree Dahlia, Dahlia dumicola, Dahlia lehmannii, Dahlia maximiliana, Dahlia maximiliana, Dahlia maxonii, Color: Lavender or mauvish-pink BACK TO genus Dahlia If you fear particularly strong freezing: After the blooming, at the beginning of winter, bring the tubers indoors when the first frost spells hit, and keep them in a dark, dry place until the following spring. Dahlia excelsa, found in the valley of Mexico in 1834, is fifteen to thirty feet in height, like D. imperialis, but produces flowers of a pale rose purple. A double pink form is common in cottage gardens of Mexican farmers.

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