When starting your app include the following line to initialise the Google analytics script: window.ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X', 'auto'); Tracking pageviews. Firebase Authentication with Login / Register. The basic idea of how they work is they "observe" something and then send that data asynchronously at the time of the browsers choosing. A quick solution is to create a separate component called Routes that renders the Switch component and its children and calls the custom hook from there. This will give you the time it takes for root parent component and all child components to render in milliseconds. So it makes sense to add the above in your public/index.html, substituting GA_MEASUREMENT_ID with your tracking key: And as mentioned above, that will work, but only to track where the users initially land. First, we need to add the react-ga NPM package to our project. Use the new CSS Flexbox for layout. There is a problem though. thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. We added a few things hear, so let's go through each piece. The basic idea to tracking events is to send GA hits inside of the function call attached to an event handler. After setting up our tracking code, we need to actually start tracking page views. So we have to declare what could be in the window ourselves, like so: Google uses a few names for this glorified apiKey; in the example above, I have it down as UA-YOUR1KEY-HERE, and you are of course supposed to replace it with your own, actual key / project id / GA_MEASUREMENT_ID. Design, Digital Well, we’ve pasted it in from the documentation mentioned above and tweaked it to use arguments… Still counts! You can contact me via email at nick@coderrocketfuel.com or on Twitter at @CoderRocketFuel. The react-ga package will now be added to your project's dependencies.. Add React-GA Logic. But consider if you were setting up a similar hook for an app like Instagram, supposed to run every time a user clicks one of the “heart” buttons which appear at the end of each of post in the timeline? Well, you call it with the handler you want, the method you want to run whenever there is a change in browser history. You’ll be tracking where the users land, but you won’t be tracking them navigating to different routes! In any case, if you’d rather not need to be dodging bullets, you need to set up the instruction to remove the event listener. Will contain data about events that take place in the app (form submit, button click, etc.) Luckily React Router nowadays gives you a hook to get its history object, and that history object has a method to attach a listener for when it changes! What if we implement the gtag injection somewhat differently? How the PerformanceObserver and related APIs work exactly is a fairly big topic and is far out of the scope of this tutorial. Go to the Admin Tab and click Create Account. Thankfully React comes pre-bundled with these marks and measures, which saves us from having to open up the React Source and having to write them ourselves. This is known as RUM or Real User Monitoring. That is really all you need to do to setup your dashboard! Where did our providers, ApolloProvider and BrowserRouter go? I want to track link in component clicks using Google Analytics in my reactjs app. After you're done setting up, you will get a tracking id at the top, which we will use in our React App. ex: 0.5 means isIntersecting  is true when 50% of the element is visible. It’s one email a week with everything interesting I’ve built or found, plus new articles and apps. Let me know if you’d enjoy an article on any of the tech above! Now, just import AppRoutes into your application and you’re done! Eagle-eyed readers might notice the docs do have a little section called Single page applications, where they instruct us to call gtag again when “the site loads new page content dynamically rather than as full page loads”, in a way like this: But how do we know that “when”, how do we know when we’ve navigated to a new “client-side” route? Tracking paint performance comprises 3 metrics: First Paint, First Contentful Paint and First Meaningful paint. If you found any other creative metrics or clever ways to track users, let me know in the comments. A simple fix is to just check with a conditional and then remove the unique id. All the tracking is done by the Google Analytics JavaScript API using the layouts.js functions and ReactGA NPM package. https://github.com/iqbal125/react-hooks-google-analytics. Again you are simply sending the hit in a function attached to the event handler. Note that only the value is going to come from the app, the rest of the properties are user defined. Congrats, you’ve integrated Google Analytics with React Router v4. We end with the second argument to useEffect, its array of dependencies: We’ve talked a lot about useEffect; probably too much! Our goal is to connect the Google Analytics to our React app using some utility functions and a custom React hook that handles the initialization of the .css-m9hiwa{display:inline-block;font-family:Fira Code,monospace;font-size:0.875rem;padding-left:0.2em;padding-right:0.2em;border-radius:4px;background-color:#f2f2f2;color:#111111;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-weight:500;padding:0.375rem;}ga object. Time to InteractiveThis metric is essentially how long it takes for a user to be able to interact with your site. Tools like those are important but they are what’s known as synthetic testing since the test will be done on your device and the test will not actually reflect what your users are experiencing. Using the RNFirebase Analytics Module, we can implement Firebase Analytics to track React Native mobile apps. The App we’ve defined above is not inside a Router. Is TLS? Note: The intersection observer will fire on the initial page load even if the element is not visible. So we create an anonymous fat arrow method, which will only be using its first parameter, location. Even if they are not the same there can be an irrelevant difference between them. Using this setup, all of your pages will load Google Analytics when it's mounted. For simplicity of this tutorial, I will pick up where I left in my last tutorial where we created a React-app call go-go-cloud and hosted it on Google Cloud. We can track rendering performance with the mark and measure entries. GAReact.timing(): Will take an object as a parameter. That’s all you need to do! Will have fields of category, action, label and value. Tracking when the video player has finished painting would be the First Meaningful Paint in this case. For this reason another more flexible metric is used, called: First Meaningful Paint: When something “meaningful” is painted to the screen. So, how do you track that? This post will show you how to use Google Analytics with React Router V4 in three easy steps. To keep it simple, I define 3 dummy routes, /, /features, and /signup. It triggers a Google Analytics pageview on mount (the “initial visit” to your website). This is how I do it: Add react-ga to your project with npm or yarn: yarn add react-ga That’s dozens of handlers each potentially re-added every time the heart goes from just an outline to filled with colour! For this reason it is better to test on the build production version to establish some baseline metrics. You will also need to initialize it in the root component with the tracking id from google analytics. once you have the users consent), call the setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled method: import { firebase } from '@react-native-firebase/analytics'; await firebase.analytics().setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(true); It is not documented anywhere so I cant comment on its purpose, but I would suggest using isIntersecting   property instead. Using GA with Performance Observer metrics will give us real numbers from our actual end users, devices and networks. Decrease file size by using gzip or similar compression. forEach, Create The first useEffect simulates the known componentDidMount function and initializes the ga object. I hope that with his tutorial, you have now a stepping stone to move forward and build a great analytical ecosystem in your softwares! Methods, JavaScript This does not tie up the main thread and does not lead to your tracking code harming your app performance. So if we call this hook without a trackingId, and there is no process.env. To get a simulation of what you might be sending to GA without actually sending it and messing up your analytics, you can just substitute a console.log wherever you plan on putting your GA hit. Then use the ref on the element you want to track for scroll. Optimize images. We could type-guard against this ourselves, but I think that’d be too much work for virtually zero benefit. You can add it with one of the below commands (NPM or Yarn): The react-ga package will now be added to your project's dependencies. Synthetic testing vs RUMYou might be wondering why go through all this trouble of setting up Performance Observer metrics if you can just use a tool like Lighthouse or Webpage speed test and get these metrics by just entering in the url. In practice, it’s unlikely you’ll want to be calling this method with different trackingIds throughout your app. We utilize the react-ga's method initialize to set up the Google Analytics with our unique tracking id. RSync Doing that we can be sure that the BrowserRouter component exists and has defined the location object before rendering Routes. So instead of changing height and width use scale X and scaleY. In my case, I needed to hook into the React Router onUpdate method and fire a function that looked at the hash of the URL due to the history setting of the router. Examples, Random But that is a subject for a different post! 0 means the very top of the element and 1.0 means the entire element. Then we pass this callback into our PerformanceObserver and finally we call the .observe() method on our observer and pass in navigation as an entryType. In the render() function, the child components are returned inside the div. What SetupIf you already have Google Analytics setup on your app, feel free to skip this section there is nothing new here. rootMargin: The margins around the root element. There are other implementations and discussions you can find here: https://github.com/react-ga/react-ga/wiki/React-Router-v4-withTracker. They are now in our default export, which we’ve change from just being export default App, to be returning the App wrapped inside all of our Providers! So, in an App with React Router, whenever they click a Link component, or anything we’ve set-up to programatically history.push('/somewehere-else'). What if my grandma had wheels? Then just import the ReactGA object where ever you want to use it. So how does listen work? If it doesn’t, it won’t know to run it with all the hook magic it needs to work. If you didn’t make it through, well done regardless. Usually it figures things out “automatically” after analysing our source code. Tracking the scroll position of your user is a fairly important part of analytics. With the above three properties we can create 3 important metrics. You don’t need to know the details if you skipped it, as now we’ll be zooming in to what we’re doing with the listen method! You can throttle the CPU or network when making these tests but they are still simulations. What Here, we will be looking at how to integrate analytics from Google using an open source library from Github call React-GA. Firstly, head over to our Google Analytics …

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