Here we can actually see that the click element was the website address. Very helpful, especially ‘click all clicks’ step in the walk through. Once you have the Google Tag Manager codes active on your WordPress site, here’s how to use Google Tag Manager to track button clicks in WordPress. However, if we were to click it again and we will actually click on the text itself or even click on the arrow, one of the things that you’ll notice is sometimes this class can change. That line break must have caused an issue there. I will be creating a video in the future on how to more advanced methods to target elements. There are a number of times, it happens that you want to track a button click or a link click, but you aren’t seeing any output in preview mode. Click the link the below to see how a PDF is displayed the browser. Tag Manager then detects button1-click as a custom event value, and will proceed to fire the tag. This is set up in Google Analytics. We’re going to come back over here to variables. Click the variables tab to see the variables associated with your button. We’ll hit new. Publish it live. We need to hook it up to the trigger we just created. I do not have access to Google Tag Manager account to test it, so I was wondering if it is possible to add that logic to the anchor tag itself, but i could not find anything at google developer website. To learn Google Tage Manager quickly, check out Google Tag Manager for Beginners Plus. What we’re going to do … To show you, let’s go back into inspect element. As the first step of enabling click tracking, you need to ensure that the … The “inspect” element and especially how to read and use and the Preview mode tips are just awesome and make all the dif to any other tuto. We’re going to ignore what opened in the new window and just focus over here on that click that we did. There are a few ways to track PDF Downloads in Google Tag Manager. Great Video! If you already have that – you’re set to move on! Enable click variables in GTM. You can build a generic click trigger now and define it later. As I demonstrated in our post last week, go to the “Tag” section of Google Tag Manager using the right navigation bar, and click on the red “New” button on the top of the screen. You can change “readmore” to the button you are tracking. If the button isn’t assigned any ID, look for a class and if it isn’t assigned one either, go with the last option. Get that fixed and cleaned up. To this you can look into the event section to discover if the button click can be found in the real time data events. Thanks for the advice. For the moment, leave Fire On blank, we will create a trigger to add to the tag. hello – can you please post the GA piece ? Then we’ll go ahead and put on our category, our action, and our label. To do so, click on variables from the left menu, and under built-in variables click configure button. Comment down below if you have any questions and we can definitely see if we can help you out with fixing up those issues. Watch the video below: Tracking button clicks with Google Tag Manager is a very simple and easy process. We’re going to go and click and there we go. Then we’re going to go ahead and still key on some clicks. I only have a question, how can I know how many time the button got clicked? Because we set a trigger to fire whenever we click, you’ll notice that if we click anywhere on the page, so for example when we click here, it’s going to register GTM click. From the drop-down select click text and in the last text box paste the button text you copied earlier. Then click SAVE again: Almost done! If you’re not sure what we’re talking about when we say “bounce rate,” we recommend just leaving it turned on (the default). When we open it up, it will show us that the event equals a GTM click, so that was correct, but one of the things that did not match was the click classes apparently did not contain this information here, so this means that we did something wrong there. The very first thing you need to do after logging into your account is to enable all the built-in click variables. We’re going to select our Google Analytics variable and hit save. If you’ve gone through the trouble of creating buttons for your WordPress site, you probably want to know whether or not people are actually clicking on those buttons, right? We’ll see tags fired on this event. In this article, I will show you all three ways to create a trigger, but for now, let’s go with a generic trigger to check the properties of the button. Depending on your desired method, this work ranges from inputting a few bits of text in the MaxButtons plugin, editing HTML code, or digging into the complicated Google Tag Manager interface. Google Tag Manager uses a system of tags and triggers. You’ll have the option to select your tag type. TEST. From the drop-down select click id and in the last text box paste the id value of the button you copied earlier. From tag configuration, select “Universal Analytics”. Let’s go ahead and call this view services button click. However, for this example, I would like to use a click listener method. If the tag is fired successfully, go back to tag manager account and click the leave preview mode button and then click  ‘publish’. Set your event parameters. Step 2. This post contains affiliate links to products and services we recommend. But there is one thing that you will need before jumping into this guide: A Google Analytics account with the Google Analytics tracking code added to your website. Appreciate. But I see the class “cta” in the inspect element. Understanding which of your buttons are racking up the most clicks helps you know what works and, equally as important, what doesn’t work. We’re going to hit configure and then you’re going to scroll down and you’re going to turn on the click element, click classes, click ID, click target, click URL, and click text. Your email address will not be published. We’re going to go over here to variables. First, you’re going to want to jump over here to your Google Tag Manager. For the WordPress site owners, you can follow this awesome guide to install google tag manager on wordpress. You’ll see us because this is the actual hyperlink, so it’s always going to pull this and that’s what we want to track. We will use Google Analytics as our tracking platform. Under the configure built-in variables scroll down to see click variables and check all of them. Click on the image below to download an example Google Analytics PDF. © 2019 Data Driven Labs, LLC | An Orlando Web Development & Marketing Agency Formerly CE Squared, LLC, How To Track Button Clicks with Google Tag Manager. We will be creating an additional video diving more in-depth to advanced methods. Open your website in a new tab to verify if the tag is being fired properly. Come back over. I’d recommend using Google Tag Manager to create a custom event, and then tracking the event in Google Analytics. Essentially, you need to add this short code snippet inside the HTML for your link: onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘CATEGORY’, ‘ACTION’, ‘LABEL’, {nonInteraction: true});”. We’re going to create a tag to fire so we can test this. Now, whenever a user clicks on that button, you’ll be able to view that data in your Google Analytics account by going to Behavior → Events: If you’re not using MaxButtons, it’s possible, though a bit time-consuming, to manually add the same code to the buttons on your site. Enable all click-related built-in variables Step 3. This one here is an actual icon, so it has its own class. Now we are tracking our clicks inside of Google Analytics as an event. For that reason, using MaxButtons is often a simpler way to implement Event Tracking for buttons that you use in regular WordPress content. For this example, we’re going to use as our example. What’s the plan? Once you have successfully added Google Analytics tag in the tag manager, the next step is to create a new trigger. Information such as events or variables can be passed to Google Tag Manager via the data layer, and triggers can be set up in Google Tag Manager based on the values of variables (e.g., fire a remarketing tag when purchase_total > $100) or based on the specific events. We know that we want to track button clicks but we don’t know the the data markup that defines that each specific button click. If we go ahead and we click over here, it registers another click. It really helped. More importantly, it helps improve your website speed by calling all the external files at a time without waiting for other tags to load. You’ll see all the different clicks are being notated and also their click classes are being notated as well. The PDF should open in a separate tab. Since I’m using Chrome, I’m going to right-click the button and select ‘Inspect’. Once you refresh, you will get the quick preview coming up. Once you’re finished, click SAVE in the top right corner. We’re going to go ahead and submit this. One of the things that stands out to me is we have a space here in this word. Enter the name of tag as “GA – Event – ReadMore”. You can track Google Analytics events via Google Tag Manager by creating a Google Analytics tag of type ‘Event’ and then creating a specific trigger to track specific time of users’ interactions (like PDF Downloads, image link clicks, button clicks, form submissions, form fields, video watching, scrolling, external link clicks etc. Thank you very much for your great content. Lets get started with the Tag creation. You can change “readmore” to the button you are tracking. This will bring you to the trigger creation wizard. For this example though, we’re going to stick to tracking just this view services button. Once, you have enabled the click variables you’ll need to create a trigger. I do not have access to Google Tag Manager account to test it, so I was wondering if it is possible to add that logic to the anchor tag itself, but i could not find anything at google developer website. This is the button we’re going to want to click on. But if you want to track button clicks on your WordPress site, you’re going to have to put in a little prep work. We can use the information to transform the generic click trigger into a specific trigger. I can’t find it… I hope you can help me to find out, thank you very much, have a nice day! But if you just want to track specific button clicks, you need to check the box for Some Link Clicks. Now that we have this information, we can go ahead and set up our button click. Attaching the Trigger to Google Analytics tag. So the first step is to build a generic click trigger so that an event can be created in GTM. The best way to follow is using the button id. To track button clicks in GTM follow the instructions below: In order for us to track button clicks we must trigger this event so that this data can be passed to Google Analytics. Once you’ve created your button, all you need to do is: Then, you need to fill in the information for Category, Action, Label, and Value. Click on Triggers in tag manager and then click on the New button. the custom event trigger is used to track interactions that occur on your website or mobile app that aren't handled by standard methods. Google Analytics Event Tracking with Google Tag Manager, The Ultimate Guide to Google Tag Manager Environments, How to Track a Button Click in Google Tag Manager, Create a Google Tag Manager account by typing in your browser, Place the container code in the head section of your website. We’re going to be tracking the button clicks here on the view services button. This can be that there is an element within that element. From trigger configuration, change ‘All clicks’ to ‘some clicks’. Now it’s time to create the tag that will fire once the trigger condition mentioned above is met. Copyright © 2010 - 2020 Max Foundry, LLC. Your changes won’t go live until you publish the changes. For this, we’re going to go over here to triggers. Once you get it set up, you’ll be able to view Google Analytics reports like below for all the button clicks on your WordPress site: Event Tracking lets you collect four pieces of information about each event – two pieces are required, and the other two pieces are optional: MaxButtons is a free plugin that helps you create stylish buttons on WordPress.

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