!bet reopen  Cancels the current bid. This command will show the current Title of your Channel, This command will set your Channel’s title to. After watching a few streamers I gained more interest in streaming so decided to do it myself. If you type in “!commands” in your chat it should list all of the available commands. Hi. This command will display the name and artist of the next song. Examples: I’m trying to find out if there’s a way we can have the win counter go up by doing !addwin then putting the number of kills for that game. There are $(countdown dec 25 2019 12:00:00 AM EST) till Christmas!!  Cancels the current bet and refunds all betted Honkos.  Creates a clip which will then be linked in chat with the title 'woah a thing just happened'.  This format of the quote in quotations then the space dash space then name of the person who said the quote must be followed. Nightbot is the nearly ultimate Twitch bot, and yes, you can use it on YouTube Gaming too! One of our jobs at Stream Builds is to help guide streamers in the right direction on how to add useful and funny chat commands. Proxy command: !bet2 !bid new Picking the car for the next race This command is used to output the most recent poll’s results. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Used for adding/viewing quotes from the streamer. 94% Upvoted.  Shows help for the command Posts a message every 5 seconds. Question. Channels: Friendlybaron “!poll results” will output something like this, “StrawPoll Results:  Pizza: 15 votes, Hotdog: 3 votes, Nothing: 5 votes”. Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel My name is Dale, I am 28, living in Perth, Western Australia. 17 comments. Public functions: This command allows you or a moderator to change the game that is displaying on your stream. This thread is archived. Related commands: !sr  Bets 100 Honkos on option B in this case. Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel, Related commands: !sr “!regulars delete JasonGaming” will remove the twitch user “JasonGaming” from the regulars group. For managing bids where people can bid with Honkos. The Fast and the Furious Pt 1: What is Latency Really? Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel, Related commands: !sr /me is pretend banning $(touser). This command will will save the currently playing song to the user Playlist.  This would give a direct link to 2 minutes earlier in the stream. Everybody wants to create their own custom nightbot commands to fit their channel. I like to entertain people, my humor would be considered dark and witty. !bet B 100 For example, if you wanted to create a command names “hello” that just says “Hello Chat!” you would type, “!commands add !hello Hello Chat”. In my opinion you want these to be as least spammy as possible, and you don’t want it to look like the only person active in your chat is Nightbot itself! Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel, Shows how many Honkos you have. Nightbot App; Discord Integration; Commands. When Baron complains too much, it makes him pay Honkos to all viewers as a punishment. It’s not real, but it makes “Sender” feel better. Channels: Friendlybaron, Related command: !sr Examples Adding a command to show chatters your channel's uptime!commands add !uptime Stream uptime: $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}") Adding a command to show chatters your channel's stats Shows the remaining play time of the song queue. This is an overview of the important commands and how they work for FriendlyBaron's stream. Songs must be requested via the direct link to a YouTube video, or the video ID from YouTube. It costs 30 Honkos to add a quote, and when a quote is used specifically, its creator receives 10 Honkos (up to once every 30 minutes). To run a 30 second you would enter, “!commercial 30” and a 30 second ad will run. $(touser) has been subbed for $(urlfetch https://decapi.me/twitch/subage/$(channel)/$(touser)), “User” has been subbed for X years, X months. Consider the value each command has to your viewers — and whether they will find it useful or engaging.  Shows your bets you have placed so far. formatted string is a string with the following mustache-tagged parameters: $(twitch night "{{displayName}} has {{followers}} followers"), !commands add !uptime Stream uptime: $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}"), !commands add !stats Channel stats: $(twitch $(channel) "{{viewers}} viewers, {{views}} views, {{followers}} followers"). Examples: !quote add "the quote goes here" - name No other sites are supported. Public functions: ? Alias — if you want your command to trigger another command, this is where you add it. !quote 69 One of our jobs at Stream Builds is to help guide streamers in the right direction on how to add useful and funny chat commands. This command will display the current AutoDJ Volume level. !rewind 2 minutes Related commands: !delquote, !editquote Used for adding/viewing quotes from the streamer. Anyone can add or view quotes, but only mods or the quote's creator can edit or delete them. The adjustment can be between -1500 and 1500. Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel This command adds a user to the “regulars” userlevel. repetitions – Prevents chatters from posting repeating words and phrases. A request costs 30 Honkos, and a second request costs 300 Honkos. /me $(touser) is like $(urlfetch http://2g.be/twitch/randomnumber.php?=defstart=1&defend=100)% SUS…, Stream uptime: $(twitch $(channel) “{{uptimeLength}}”), Stream uptime: X hours, X minutes, X seconds, $(twitch $(channel) “{{displayName}} has {{viewers}} viewers”), https://docs.nightbot.tv/commands/commands. Channels: Friendlybaron, Lists out all the BTTV emotes and FrankerFaceZ emotes. This command will remove the song in the current. You can use the Twitch variable to display various profile information about a specific Twitch account. This command is used to edit existing custom commands. To find the results of your poll you will need to type: It’s extremely easy to setup a giveaway or raffle within Nightbot.

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