Better prepare meetings for yourself and attendees by creating a collaborative and dynamic agenda. Já utiliza a Asana?↵Faça login para ativar a sua avaliação gratuita de Asana Premium. Learn how your inbox consolidates everything you need to know about the work happening on your team. Copyright © 2020 Asana, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Você quis dizer. Watch this 60 second video! Get prepared for your kickoff call by getting familiar with the basics of Asana and how it fits in with other tools your team is using. A Asana foi fundamental por permitir à nossa equipe ter um crescimento seis vezes maior e dimensionar os processos com êxito. Anexe facilmente arquivos do Google Drive a tarefas na Asana a partir do painel de tarefas Asana. Algo parece estar errado. 1 min. Copyright © 2020 Asana, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Avec Asana, travaillez d’où vous voulez, quand vous le voulez. But better. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Check out how to easily keep your team updated with consistently structured project status updates using real-time data and the latest project highlights. Certifique-se de que a sua equipe tenha acesso a tudo o que for necessário para dar início ao trabalho. Capture and share additional details about your work with custom fields in Asana. A good Asana task always has an assignee and a due date, but check out this video to get even more specific about adding and managing deadlines. Asana is the best way to manage your tasks and projects, and now you can use it to turn emails into tasks without leaving your Gmail inbox. Create a new username and password just for events below, or log in with your existing events account. As a result, people on my team resort to random and chaotic text/email threads. In this short video, learn how to get your work set up and organized in less time than it takes to declutter your desk. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To access this course, you must first apply to the Asana Certified Pros program and complete the prerequisite courses on Asana Academy. Gear up for designing your first workflow by learning how information is structured in Asana. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between columns. By continuing your visit on the website, you consent to the use of the cookies. Ajuste-os para que o trabalho seja feito à sua maneira, assegure-se de que nenhuma etapa seja perdida e mantenha a sua equipe caminhando na mesma direção. A Asana não funciona corretamente no navegador de Internet que você está usando. Solve common pain points in how your organization plans, manages, and coordinates work. Watch this video to quickly learn how to assign copies of a task for teams or individuals. Copyright © 2020 Asana, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF WORK See who is doing what and by when across the whole team: Coordinate plans, projects, and tasks in one shared space Switch between list, kanban board, and calendar views … Learn how Asana can transform the way that your marketing team works. Crie planos de projetos, coordene as tarefas e cumpra todos os seus prazos, Conecte as ferramentas que você aprecia e usa diariamente, Veja como a Asana ajuda as equipes a alcançar os seus objetivos, Estabeleça metas estratégicas e monitore o seu progresso em um único lugar, Crie em poucos minutos um atraente diagrama de Gantt, Acompanhe o progresso e o status das principais iniciativas em tempo real, Veja a carga de trabalho dos membros da equipe nos diversos projetos, Envie e gerencie os pedidos de trabalho em um único lugar, Agilize processos, reduza erros e perca menos tempo com as tarefas de rotina, Para um gerenciamento simples de projetos e tarefas. From the small stuff to the big picture, Asana organizes work so teams are clear what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done. Don't see a webinar in your timezone? People are typically stressed out and overwhelmed with Asana because of these 3 things. Make event planning less stressful by getting everyone (and everything) on the same page with this workflow. Mais de 50 modelos de projeto para você escolher. Desde tareas y proyectos hasta conversaciones y notificaciones, Asana permite a los equipos avanzar con el trabajo de principio a fin. Learn Asana basics No matter your skill level, you’ll learn how to set up and manage your work the right way in Asana. Use os Formulários para criar um processo de recebimento padronizado e facilitar aos outros a solicitação de trabalhos. Por a comunicação estar centralizada, podemos economizar muito dinheiro sem esse tipo de despesas. Asana Together Training Course: Ambassadors, To access this course, you must first apply to the Asana Ambassadors program and complete the prerequisite courses in Asana Academy, Asana Together Training Course: Certified Pros. This on-demand webinar covers how to use Asana's new Goals feature to set clear and measurable goals for your organization. Watch this video to learn our top mobile tips to stay connected to work on the go. Learn to use My Tasks and Inbox to prioritize your work. See how another champion has done it and get your team pumped to go live with Asana. Escolher um idioma também poderá alterar o conteúdo em, Nós usamos cookies para que você tenha a melhor experiência possível no nosso site. Create a new username and password just for events below, or log in with your existing events account. Check out this events page to register for trainings, meet ups, webinars, and more. Looking for a task, project, or conversation? Prossiga para se inscrever com o seu e-mail. ¡El trabajo puede ser divertido! Asana es la forma más fácil para que los equipos hagan seguimiento del trabajo y obtengan resultados. Learn how to leverage Asana's work management software to realize your organization's mission. Crie painéis personalizados com base em informações na Asana para obter insights em tempo real sobre projetos. BUT, not so much for my team. Get your team onboard to make collaboration easier than ever before. Asana Rebel is the YOGA AND FITNESS app for anyone who wants to GET FIT, LOSE WEIGHT, and start a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Kanban board? Goals in Asana gives your team a single source of truth for your shared objectives and connects the work to achieve them. Check out this events page to register for trainings, meet ups, webinars, and more. Elimine os gargalos que dificultam o trabalho, mantenha os projetos sempre em dia e marque as tarefas para aprovação, de modo que as equipes e as pessoas responsáveis por elas saibam com clareza o que é necessário fazer para as próximas etapas. Get quick tips in these bite-sized tutorial videos to help you and your team be successful in Asana. Gerencie tarefas dependentes, sobrepostas e não agendadas, e crie planejamentos com os quais as equipes possam contar. Erstellen Sie einen erfolgreichen und umsetzbaren Projektplan mit Asana. A Mixpanel gerencia o seu trabalho com a Asana. Crie problemas a partir da Asana e acompanhe o progresso do trabalho que ocorre no Jira Cloud. Deixe a parte enfadonha conosco e não se preocupe mais com isso. Asana has really been a game change for me personally. Learn Asana basics in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. By continuing your visit on the website, you consent to the use of the cookies. Learn how to leverage Asana to templatize your case management process! Créez un plan de projet exploitable et performant sur Asana. Not using Asana? Watch this video to learn how to use Asana to track the time you spend on work and plan when to do it. Send me updates about Asana events in my area. Sign up with Asana. Trabalhe a qualquer hora e de qualquer lugar com a Asana. Sincronize as tarefas com o seu Calendário para ficar a par do trabalho e cumprir os prazos estipulados. Use Escape to close the menu. Watch this video to learn how to rely less on email. Learn how to assign tasks to multiple projects in just one minute! Work Lives Here -Asana is the single source of truth about the work that needs to get done. In this video, we'll provide 10 practical tips for both teams and individuals. Learn how Asana can simplify and streamline your creative production process! Economize tempo e automatize as tarefas repetitivas, como a atribuição de trabalho e a definição ou alteração de datas de conclusão, entre outras. I accept the Solucione problemas comuns na maneira como a sua organização planeja, gerencia e coordena os trabalhos. Setting up your profile and Do Not Disturb. A Fireclay Tile gerencia o seu trabalho com a Asana. Use o seu endereço de e-mail de trabalho para que possamos conectá-lo(a) à sua equipe na Asana. Équilibrer et hiérarchiser sa charge de travail, Apprenez à hiérarchiser votre travail et à répartir équitablement les tâches sur Asana, Priorizar e equilibrar o seu volume de trabalho, Aprenda a priorizar o seu trabalho e manter um volume de trabalho equilibrado com a Asana. NOTE: This is not the same as your Asana account password. Por favor, feche esta janela e tente novamente. Learn how to keep track of your to-dos and conversations in one place by integrating Slack and email with Asana. We want to ensure your continued success adopting Asana, so here's some topics to reflect on your team's progress.
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